Safe Escort to Legal Proceedings and Banking Institutions
Under certain circumstances simple routes can turn out to be complicated, endangering your safety. Don’t take that risk; let the experienced team of FAKTEN detective agency escort you to your court appointment or bank.
Court Escort
When you’re involved in hostile court proceedings taking place in the public eye, you have to expect to encounter a group of reporters and photographers. Politeness and normal manners are ignored here: you are flooded with questions and physically harassed. Furthermore, it is possible that the parties involved along with other stakeholders gather outside the courthouse to loudly state their opinions. Such a crowd can be very threatening.
The experienced bodyguards of the FAKTEN detective agency can accompany you.
We can ensure the security of:
- Witnesses
- Defendants
- Plaintiffs
- Lawyers
- Others involved in legal proceedings
Enhanced safety for:
- Travel to court
- Waiting areas
- Restroom facilities
- Travel back home, to your place of work or any other destination
Bank Escort
Criminals are becoming ever more unscrupulous. Bank customers are being spied on and assaulted, even during the day.
Protect your assets and your property.
- Do you regularly do any of the following?
- Deposit or withdraw large amounts of cash
- ·Deposit or pick up important documents from a safe deposit box
- ·Deposit or remove valuable items from a bank safe
You shouldn’t be handling these transactions alone. The bodyguards of FAKTEN detective agency can ensure your safety. They’ll discreetly and reliably keep you and your property safe. Feel free to contact us for further information about our services, including a no-obligation consultation.